Our supporters

The power of team work can change the world

The power of team work can change the world

The power of team work can change the world. Your contribution provides us with what we need in order to fight against child abuse, to raise awareness, to train scientists, to create frameworks for the identification of child abuse, to come closer to our dream of creating a home that will offer a haven for abused children until they can find a solution that is viable and the best possible for their lives.

We thank you all. Companies that prove their social solidarity in practice. Institutions that invest in innovation, contribution, new ideas. Citizens who know that their greatest contribution is to let their ‘voice’ join ours so that we can offer abused children the strength they need to move ahead.

Together, from 2008 to this day, we are trying to create a different world. A world that will provide safety and protection to all children. A world in which the letter of the law will serve children such as little Elisa. A world which by mobilising organization, coordination and, most importantly, determination, proves it has “Zero Tolerance for Child Abuse.”

Thank you.
We always need your help to make the impossible possible.

Golden Sponsors:

Grand Sponsor:


Individual Donors


Foundations & Associations

Educational Institutions

In-kind Sponsorships

Pro Bono Services

Services at a Discount